Museum of Wellington City & Sea

The museum is located in the center of Wellington's waterfront. The Museum of Wellington City & Sea Collections celebrate Wellington's civic, social, cultural, maritime and economic history. It is situated in old Bond Store.

There are a lot of collections in this museum:

Early Wellington - shows how the town looks in 1900s.

Telling Tales - Wellington's 20s century - significant events of 20th century

Baraques & shipwrecks - 800 years f Wellington's maritime history

The Wahine Disaster - history of ferry Wahine

and also:

1890s Bond Store

Maori creation legends

Many Objects Many Stories

Museums receives Diversity Awards

Your Family Stories

and many others.



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Virtual Museums


The Blue World Web Museum was created to give information, educate and entertain public via Internet. So, enjoy visiting an interesting museum without even leaving the house!

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Special Museums


Visit the St. Augustine Pirate & Treasure Museum and make the pirate experience. Get into the exhibits and the real stories of the notorious pirates!

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Historical Museums


The Vasa Museum in Stockholm brings the 17th century to life for us. Each recovered object of the Swedish warship has its own story to tell.

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